Cordia alliodora – Laurel

Cordia alliodora – Laurel

In low lying humid regions it is a tall, thin tree with a narrow, sparse and open crown, minimum bifurcation forming a single trunk measuring 15-20 m, reaching heights of 40 m and up to 1 meter in Diameter at Breast Height, although diameters of around 50 cm are the most common.

Generally inhabited by ants.

Grows in a broad variety of climates and soils. Survives under light shade and a range of nutritional conditions, as demonstrated by its widespread occurrence in degraded or abandoned areas at some point used for pasture or for slash-and-burn agriculture.

General wood description

Has a characteristic aromatic odor, when dry, no distinctive odor

Sapwood yellowish to light maroon in color; gradual to abrupt color transition to heartwood from:

  • Pale golden maroon
  • Yellowish chestnut
  • Olive brown 
  • Tobacco

with longitudinal woodgrain of a darker color; vascular lines clearly visible to the naked eye.

Straight to irregular grain.

Light to accented veining.

Luster: Medium to high.

The heartwood is very resistant to termites, rotting in-ground and fungi, although sapwood is considerably more susceptible. 

Wood is difficult to treat through creosote immersion. Creosote treatment with vacuum and pressure is moderately difficult.

Common names

America Central: Laurel, Laurel Negro, Laurel Blanco.

México: Bojón, Bojón Prieto, Hormiguero.

Puerto Rico, Islas del Caribe: Capá Prieto.

Trinidad y Tobago: Cypre.

Colombia: Nogal Cafetero, Nogal Mu, Moho, Mo, Canalete, Canalete de Humo, Prieto, Solera, Vara de Humo, Laurel Negro, Pardillo.

Ecuador: Laurel Negro, Laurel Prieto, Laurel Macho, Laurel Blanco, Laurel de Montaña, Laurel de Cerro, Laurel.

Perú: Árbol de Ajo.

Bolivia: Ajo.

Venezuela: Pardillo, Canalete, Laurel Blanco, Cuajaro.

Paraguay y Argentina: Peterebí.

Brasil: Freijo Branco, Louro Amarello, Pau Cachorro, Urua, Uruazeiro.

Referenced uses


  • Bridges 
  • Posts

General Housing

  • Doors
  • Parquet
  • Wainscoting

Furniture and Cabinets

  • Fine Furniture
  • Desks
  • Floors
  • Cabinets

Plywood and Veneer

  • Plywood
  • Decorative Veneer



  • Tool Handles


  • Cooperage
  • Auto/truck Bodies

Naval Construction

  • Oars
  • Vessels

Other and Musical Instruments

  • Musical Instruments
  • Sculptures
  • Ladder Rungs

300 metros al norte de la plaza de deportes,
Los Angeles de la Fortuna,
Provincia de Alajuela,
San Carlos, Costa Rica.
CP 21007