In low lying humid regions it is a tall, thin tree with a narrow, sparse and open crown, minimum bifurcation forming a single trunk measuring 15-20 m, reaching heights of 40 m and up to 1 meter in Diameter at Breast Height, although diameters of around 50 cm are the most common.
Generally inhabited by ants.
Grows in a broad variety of climates and soils. Survives under light shade and a range of nutritional conditions, as demonstrated by its widespread occurrence in degraded or abandoned areas at some point used for pasture or for slash-and-burn agriculture.
Has a characteristic aromatic odor, when dry, no distinctive odor
Sapwood yellowish to light maroon in color; gradual to abrupt color transition to heartwood from:
with longitudinal woodgrain of a darker color; vascular lines clearly visible to the naked eye.
Straight to irregular grain.
Light to accented veining.
Luster: Medium to high.
The heartwood is very resistant to termites, rotting in-ground and fungi, although sapwood is considerably more susceptible.
Wood is difficult to treat through creosote immersion. Creosote treatment with vacuum and pressure is moderately difficult.
America Central: Laurel, Laurel Negro, Laurel Blanco.
México: Bojón, Bojón Prieto, Hormiguero.
Puerto Rico, Islas del Caribe: Capá Prieto.
Trinidad y Tobago: Cypre.
Colombia: Nogal Cafetero, Nogal Mu, Moho, Mo, Canalete, Canalete de Humo, Prieto, Solera, Vara de Humo, Laurel Negro, Pardillo.
Ecuador: Laurel Negro, Laurel Prieto, Laurel Macho, Laurel Blanco, Laurel de Montaña, Laurel de Cerro, Laurel.
Perú: Árbol de Ajo.
Bolivia: Ajo.
Venezuela: Pardillo, Canalete, Laurel Blanco, Cuajaro.
Paraguay y Argentina: Peterebí.
Brasil: Freijo Branco, Louro Amarello, Pau Cachorro, Urua, Uruazeiro.
General Housing
Furniture and Cabinets
Plywood and Veneer
Naval Construction
Other and Musical Instruments
300 metros al norte de la plaza de deportes,
Los Angeles de la Fortuna,
Provincia de Alajuela,
San Carlos, Costa Rica.
CP 21007