Sterculia apetala – Panamá

It is reported to reach heights of 24 to 40 m, with trunk diameters of 50 to 70 cm or even 200 cm. It presents well developed, steep buttresses.

Is commonly found in the forests of tropical America, on occasionally inundable areas.

It is distributed from Mexico southward to Bolivia.

Wood diffuses porous.

General wood description

Odor or taste are absent.

The sapwood is differentiated, it is pale yellow, the heartwood is reddish yellow when dry.

The grain is mostly straight.

The wood has a coarse texture.

Is described as moderate in luster.

It has a low natural durability, quickly processing is recommended.

Timber of this group is reported to offer no difficulties to preservative treatments.

Common names

Brasil: Tacacazeiro, Cutiúba, Champanha, Achichá, Chicha, Camajuru, Sunsun, Panamá, Chiapas, Bellota, Anacaguita, Chichá.

Referenced uses

Housing General 

  • Shutter Boards

Furniture and Cabinets

Plywood and Veneer


  • Light Packing

Other and Musical instruments

  • Handicrafts
  • Shoes
  • Coffin
  • Particleboard

300 metros al norte de la plaza de deportes,
Los Angeles de la Fortuna,
Provincia de Alajuela,
San Carlos, Costa Rica.
CP 21007