Deciduous trees of medium to large size, up to 28-37 m tall, with 50-100 cm d.a.p; conical trunk; good to fair quality logs are obtained, 12 to 25 m long and 25 to 70 cm in diameter.
It is native to Mexico, Central America and northern South America (Brasil, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela). It is also found in Africa and Asia, in many places as an ornamental tree.
Dry wood with no distinctive odor or taste.
The newly cut trunk presents the sapwood of light brown color with pink or gold tones and dark veins and the heartwood of dark brown color, observing between both layers an abrupt contrast in color when freshly cut. . In air-dried wood the sapwood becomes very pale brown with dark streaks and the heartwood reddish yellow with brown streaks.
Straight to slightly crisscrossed grain.
It has a characteristic very attractive feathery veined texture on the tangential faces, defined by overlapping arches with dark bands, satin by the contrast of the spokes.
Somewhat glossy surface
Heartwood rated as moderately resistant or not very resistant.
Not recommended for outdoor service.
Preservative absorption is difficult even in sapwood, but can be improved by scoring the wood.
México: Amapola, macuilixuatl, roble blanco, rosa morada.
Centroamérica y Caribe: roble, roble de sabana, roble blanco.
Brasil: ipé rosa, cambora, taipoca.
Colombia: Roble, flor morado, coralibe, guayacán, otobo, roble de río, roble morado, ocobo, guayacán rosado, apamate, caoba del Brasil, otovo, cañaguate, chicalá, guayacán lila, guayacán morado, guayacán polvillo, roble sabanero.
Venezuela: apamate, acaparo, gurupa, orumo, roble colorado, roble gateado, roble negro, roble rosado, gurupa, araguaney, orum.
Bolivia: Tajibo.
Gran Bretaña: Afina, amapá, mayflower.
Nicaragua: Falso roble, macuelizo, roble macuelizo.
Honduras: Macualiso, macuelizo.
Salvador: Maquilisguast, maquilishuat.
Guatemala: Matilisguate, mano de león, maculís.
Costa Rica: Roble de sabana.
Ecuador: Ébano, roble de Guayaquil, roble, tino.
Perú: Tahuari, paliperro.
USA: West indian bowwood.
Francia e Italia: Roble blanco, amapá.
España: Roble blanco, apamate, amapá.
Holanda: Witte roble, amapá.
General housing
Furniture and cabinets
Plywood and veneer
Sports equipment
Other and musical instruments
300 metros al norte de la plaza de deportes,
Los Angeles de la Fortuna,
Provincia de Alajuela,
San Carlos, Costa Rica.
CP 21007